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Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

I Felt Lost and Overwhelmed ...

18th Issue of Newsletter

Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

Are you scared of the number of people in the audience?

Reader, I got an epiphany this week during a Toastmaster Club meeting when ...


I took a 50-day-long break from Toastmasters Club meetings.

But when I went back to attend this week's meeting on Wednesday, I was overwhelmed with inertia, inactivity, and a lack of confidence.

I felt like I'd lost it ...

I resisted every opportunity during the impromptu (unprepared) speeches part of the meeting.

I started avoiding making eye contact with the person who was calling out names to take the stage.

I acted as if I was invisible ... as if I didn't exist in that room.

Even the person sitting next to me was saying ...

"Waqas, why are you still not on stage?"

This feeling seemed familiar ...

Heck, I'd lived this feeling my entire life before overcoming my crippling fear of speaking in public.

The reason was plain and simple

... I hadn't spoken in public for over 50 days.

Then I was forced to go on stage for my scheduled role to evaluate and provide feedback on someone else's speech.

Once I took the stage ...

I had an epiphany to beat this temporary nervousness and lack of confidence caused by the long break:

I started making a conversation with ONE person at a time

... I spotted one person, maintained eye contact, and made a conversation with that person.

Then ...

I moved on and did the same with other audience members who were listening attentively and seemed interested.

After the first few moments ...

the nervousness and lack of confidence vanished in thin air.

I felt a sense of belonging on stage

... I realized how much I missed sharing ideas, my stories, and aha moments on stage.


Reader you can take 2 insights from my experience:

  1. Don't think of your audience as a whole. In your next public speaking or weekly team meeting, talk to one person at a time—Sperate them into individuals and converse with them one at a time.
  2. Engage in public speaking frequently even if you've overcome your fear of speaking. Otherwise, it will cause inertia, inactivity, a lack of self-confidence, and ultimately anxiety.

Let me know what you liked about today's issue? I personally reply to EVERY email.


1 - Free Discovery Call - Book your free discovery call now to uncover the root of your anxiety and fast-track your journey from nervous to confident speaker 🎤. Don’t miss out—time is of the essence! Seize the opportunity and take that first step toward transformation!

2 - Free live webinar - I will host a Live FREE Webinar on Friday (@1:30 PM MT, 12:30 PM PST, 02:30 PM CST, 03:30 PM EST) in which you will learn three secrets to overcoming your public speaking anxiety.​

3 - Social media - I regularly share practical tips and insights on public speaking and communication skills. If you are active on Youtube, Instagram, or ​Threads, let's connect.

P.S. ​If you know someone who could benefit from this newsletter, I’d love to have them join our community of public speakers. They can subscribe here. Thanks!


Waqas, Founder & Speaking Coach

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Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking—It's time to free your voice from speaking anxiety and gain the self-confidence you always wanted. (Published Weekly)

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