The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you always desire. (Loved by 1100+ readers every week)
Public Speaking Anxiety [Getting in Touch with the Source]
Published 11 months ago • 4 min read
11th Issue of Newsletter
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety
Happy fearless Sunday!
Keep reading if you want to know what limiting beliefs are causing you the fear of speaking in public.
What is a Belief?
A belief is your interpretation of reality that you hold on to as THE TRUTH. But it may or may not be the truth.
Beliefs run every aspect of our lives.
For instance, beliefs make us ...
Eat healthily or unhealthily,
Frown or smile back at strangers at a grocery store,
Spend extravagantly or be frugal,
Speak fearlessly or get worried sick when asked to speak.
This is how everything we do is tied back to our belief system:
One time, I was working with a client, and I asked them to say this belief aloud and observe their feelings and emotions.
They found it extremely painful and difficult to say the belief statement out loud.
"It felt as if there's a heavy burden on their chest", they elaborated.
If this is the case with you then it indicates the presence of that belief in you.
Even though you may not agree with the belief statement intellectually, your emotions will tell you the truth.
3 - A sensation in the body
Irrespective of your response in the previous 2 methods, we proceed with this method.
The purpose here is to pinpoint the part of the body that goes through a different sensation when you say the belief aloud.
Notice if you felt any sensation in your body when you said the belief "I'm not good enough" out loud?
Where exactly did you feel it?
It could be anywhere in your body. Maybe it's in your ...
Chest, etc.
If you felt a sensation, ...
then this is another indication that even though you may not agree to the belief statement intellectually, you have the belief on the gut level.
Your Task ...
Pick any belief from the list of "common limiting beliefs behind public speaking anxiety", discussed above,
and ...
apply these 3 ways to find out if the belief is present.
Do this and there you have it, folks!
You have identified the sources of your core limiting beliefs behind your fear of public speaking and social anxiety.
NEED HELP with any of the steps?
Set up a free call by clicking here and let's discuss how I can help you.
Geeting in touch with the source behind your public speaking and social anxiety is the FIRST step.
Once we know the source then we can work to get rid of it.
Feel free to reply to this email if you have questions or feedback on this newsletter.
I personally reply to EVERY email.
1 - 1:1 coaching - I'm now offering 1:1 coaching (limited openings) to help you overcome the crippling fear of public speaking (in under 2 months) by eliminating limiting beliefs and gain the self-confidence you always wanted.
2 - Free live webinar - I will host a Live FREE Webinar on Friday (@12:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM PST, 01:00 PM CST, 02:00 PM EST) in which you will learn three secrets to overcoming your public speaking anxiety.
3 - Social media - I regularly share practical tips and insights on public speaking and communication skills. If you are active on Youtube, Instagram, or Threads, let's connect.
P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this newsletter, I’d love to have them join our community of public speakers. They can subscribe here. Thanks!
The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you always desire. (Loved by 1100+ readers every week)