
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

2 Models to Fight Your Fears and Anxieties...

40TH Issue of Newsletter

Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

On the last week of September in 2019.

I was attending an event organized to celebrate cultural diversity at our university in Rolla, Missouri.

A reporter from the university media team put me on the spot by asking this question:

"How did you find living in Rolla so far?"

...and placed mic in front of my face.

My chronic social and speaking anxieties rear their ugly head.

This simple question seemed like a deep philosophical question.

I froze like a deer in the headlights in front of the entire media team and my friends.

Few seconds felt like eternity.

To make matters worse, everything was being videotaped.

My IQ dropped to the level of a 2nd GRADER.

After thinking hard and long, I responded to the question with an answer that didn't even make sense to me.

It was nothing but a few broken words uttered in the wrong order.

In simple words, it was total gibberish.

After I was done speaking, I felt...




My self-confidence hit rock bottom.

At that time, all I wanted to do was hide someplace dark, quiet, and alone from where even I couldn't find myself.

This humiliation kept haunting me for weeks, months and finally I said to myself:


I decided to go all in on a mission to solve this MYSTRY.

But without any solid plan. I was...



And all ALONE.

To tell you the truth... I was waiting for a MIRACLE to happen.

I read books not once but twice, bought digital courses, and attended expensive day-long boot camps, hoping that I would find the secret to overcoming my crippling fear of public speaking...

BUT... only to find out that NOTHING was working.

Ironically, I was feeling even more scared, anxious, and exhausted.

Everyone was talking about...

  • how to perfect messaging, delivery, and body language
  • how to avoid filler words and use hand gestures to appear as a polished speaker
  • how to maintain eye contact for greater impact
  • how to use voice infection, tonality, and pacing to sound like a professional speaker.

But all this was a solution to a different problem.

My problem was internal... deeply rooted in my feelings, thoughts, and mindset.

Nothing seemed to work...

But I kept exploring and finally decided to join a Toastmasters club.

I showed up in club meetings week after week, month after month, and in November 2022 I was finally able to speak in front of an audience of 40+.

And it took me 2 years to do so.

That was the day I felt MOST proud of myself... even more than the day when I got my PhD degree.


I was still a little worried...

What if my anxieties come back?

What if my mind goes blank?

What if the audience judges me negatively?

These WHAT IFs kept me awake at 3am anxious and haunted with fear days before an upcoming presentation.

It was not until I worked with my coach who helped me identify the root causes which were...

My mindset and limiting beliefs about myself and the audience.

Once we crushed them in intensive sessions, I was a FREE person... free from my demons and KRYPTONITES.

Along the way...

I made countless mistakes but learned from them, so you don't have to repeat the same mistakes and solve any mysteries to overcome your anxieties.

Because I have already solved this mystery for you.

I learned there are 2 models to overcome this crippling fear:

  1. Practice and Exposure (everyone would tell you this)
  2. Mindset Shifts and Eliminating Limiting Beliefs (Not so common)

I've tired both and lemme tell you this... both work!

BUT here's the catch...

The FIRST one takes years of practice... yet there's no guarantee.

  • It's based on FAKE IT till you make it philosophy—might even lead you to developing Imposter Syndrome.
  • Requires a LOT of courage and willpower to expose yourself to your demons, month after month and in some cases year after year
  • It's like trying to solve a mystery and...
  • Waiting for a miracle to strike.

The SECOND model takes less than 2 months... with long-lasting repeatable results guaranteed.

  • It's NOT another feel-good mumbo jumbo
  • It's backed by SOLID science
  • Rids you of the anxiety from its ROOT once and for all
  • Makes you not only a confident speaker but also a confident person in ANY social setting.

Now... Reader

If you are firm believer of the first model which is based on practicing and exposure alone, I'm not your cup of tea...

Sorry... I can't help you.

But if you think Mindset Shifts and Eliminating Limiting Beliefs can work for you... Let me help you.

Click HERE to get a free guide and a roadmap customized to your needs to conquer your fear of speaking in front of an audience.

Let's pinpoint your biggest challenges and uncover the root causes behind your anxieties.

Plus, you'll get 5 practical steps you can implement TODAY to reduce your anxiety by 50%.

This is what others are saying...


Waqas - Head Speaking Anxiety Coach


Chambers Road, Denver, Colorado 80239
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Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you've always desired. (Loved by 625+ readers every week)

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