
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

Fixing this ONE thing made (Z) feel liberated for the FIRST time in life

62ND Issue of Newsletter

Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

So, your job or business requires you to speak frequently...

Maybe monthly, weekly or sometimes even daily.

But every time you are about to speak in front of others, you're burdened with the thought that:

"I’m not good enough" and..

"I would never be good enough".

This feeling pushes you to work harder to prepare the best—sometimes at the expense of your SANITY—for any public speaking or presentation.

Not only that..

But you also feel that you have to remain small and unheard in social interactions

...just playing safe and always upholding the image of being ‘good enough’ or portraying a ‘perfect’ persona to convince others that you're good enough so that you could feel good enough.

But the irony is...

No matter how hard you work, the feeling just gets reinforced, further fueling your fear and insecurity thus self-sabotaging your efforts.

You know everyone can see the nervousness and fear in your eyes.

You know... it's ruining your REPUTATION and AUTHORITY at work.

This is exactly what happened to (Z).

She had long-standing struggles with public speaking anxiety. She used to feel anxious about:

  • how she would sound and look,
  • worrying about being judged by the audience,
  • and having a tendency to speak too quickly.

This anxiety affected her both in job performance and when speaking to authority figures like her bosses.

"I want freedom from this feeling of being small and not good enough when speaking in front of others", (Z) said to me.


Does any of this ring a bell? 🔔

If yes... this is the exact problem I solved for (Z) and for other clients.

I help them find their VOICE, CONFIDENCE, and AUTHORITY when speaking in front of others:

  • 1, 10 or 100 people
  • On stage or off stage
  • At work or in social situations.

This is what (Z) felt and said after working with me:

"[After working with Waqas], I feel liberated and light, and for the first time in my life, I feel empowered to discard my past belief as far away from me as possible, because that belief does not define me who I am. I feel a new surge of confidence not only in just public speaking but in daily interactions as well. [Waqas] puts a new pair of lenses on me to change how I view myself, and others around me too; this helps me to have more compassion for myself and others."

Read her full review by clicking here.


Anxiety comes in many forms and varying degrees.

But for many people, it gets triggered frequently when they have to address a group of people, small or large.

If the thought of speaking in front of an audience—or even 1-on-1 important conversations—makes you feel anxious and dread even weeks before the speaking engagement...

You are NOT alone!

Unfortunately, many of us dread it, get nervous or freeze up when we speak.

To help you with getting started on your journey to gain authority and confidence when speaking in front of others, I'm giving away 5 GIFT sessions.

I know you're smart and have tried many approaches...

You know there's a better way, and you're ready to find a solution that actually matches your potential.

In this session:

  • We'll discover root causes of your social and speaking anxieties and the challenges you face when speaking in front of others.
  • I'll take you through strategies for overcoming your specific anxieties, if I can.
  • And if it feels like something you resonate with, and might be interested in, we'll discuss potential next steps.

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Waqas - Head Speaking Anxiety Coach

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Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you always desire. (Loved by 1200+ readers every week)

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