
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

I Lied to Save Osama [Story Time]

29th Issue of Newsletter

Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

This week's issue is slightly different than usual public speaking topics.

It's all about storytelling.

"All stories worth telling or hearing have a 5-second moment in a person's life"—Matthew Dicks, author of the book Storyworthy.

A moment of important realization.

A moment of life-changing truth.

A moment of facing the harsh reality.

A moment of vulnerability and weakness.

You get the idea, right?


Can you identify my 5-second moment in this story?




It's Friday morning in 2013.

This is sixth month into my first job.. Ever.

I'm sitting in tiny cubicle at my workplace in Pakistan.

I'm thinking that I like my first job... funny colleagues, caring friends, dirty jokes, and a work environment that keeps me right at the center of my comfort zone.

What else do I need in a job?

Though I am a little confused and unclear about my growth at this job... But that's probably okay. I'll get enough opportunities to grow and learn in future.

My cellphone rings ...

Oh, it's the general manager, calling from the head office... on my personal phone.

This is not a good news.. Ever.

"Waqas, where is Osama?", Asked the General Manager in a dead serious tone.

"Osama is here somewhere, Ma'am", I reply with hesitation and a stutter.

"No No No. Tell me exactly where Osama is RIGHT NOW?" She demands, raising her voice which pisses me off.

But, in reality, Osama is no way near the workplace.

He asked me to cover up for him, as he had "something important" to take care of... Which I'm sure is dating his new girlfriend.

But I decide to stick to the plan to save my friend's CARELESS ASS.

"Ma'am, I already told you... Osama is here somewhere in the building"...I too responded with a raised voice.

She then hangs up the phone... without saying another word.

Uh ho! This isn't good. What the heck did I just do?

I find myself pondering how she could possibly know I was not telling her the truth?

Was it my hesitation or does she have cameras secretly installed in the office?

I don't know but what I do know is I've made a big mistake that might even cost me my job.

And this is Pakistan... I may not get another job for at least a year. More than half of my fellow graduates are still jobless...

Now, I'm scared and feeling insecure: What would I do with my life without a job that I love, I think?

Few hours into this agony, I'm told that the company's CEO called an urgent meeting in the BIG conference room and he's waiting for me.

My heart races as I realize what this "urgent meeting" could be about. I'm not gonna get a big promotion, he's gonna fire me today!

Now I am thinking maybe the only way to deal with this terrible situation is to get through it. So, my plan is to apologize to him right away. Maybe he'll have mercy on me and would let me keep my job... I have seen this plan working before, and I hope it'll work today as well.

I start walking from my cubicle to the conference room but...

This walk is feeling like the longest walk of my life. Each step echoes with dread, insecurity, and immense guilt of lying to the GM.

I enter the conference room and much to my humiliation, the meeting room is filled with all my colleagues and staff members who report directly... to me.

I sat down without making eye contact with anyone and he welcomes me with this:

"Today, one of you not only lied but also misbehaved with one of our company's top executives which is unacceptable at my company."

...the CEO then jumps right into delivering the "morality lecture" which is similar to a "roast" but 10x more insult... minus all the comedy.

I’m sweating bullets with guilt and nervousness and thinking maybe, I deserve all this... I'm a big liar after all.

I'm mentally preparing myself to be getting fired any minute now.

But the lecture drags on for 10 minutes... 15 minutes... and 30 minutes which starts to feel like 30 hours.

He keeps on repeating himself, getting louder and more aggressive with each sentence.

But I’m confused now: why this unending humiliation and insult in front of everyone? If he's gonna fire me, just fire me already.

As the lecture continues, I'm having an epiphany... I have a college degree in engineering and yet he is making me feel worthless and insignificant. I don't have any respect, any foreseeable future, or any growth whatsoever at this job.

I'm earning in pennies, I'm not learning anything, then what the heck am I doing here?

...this isn't a place for me.

Right there and then everything snapped into focus. For the first time, I saw my path with crystal clarity.

Within a week, I handed in my resignation and got a much-needed RESET: a reset to my self-respect, self-confidence, and self-worth.

I finally understood that I deserve better, I am better, and I am ready to embrace it.




In Matthew Dicks' words ... Storytelling is like time traveling.

When told in the right way, it should take readers and listeners back to the same place and time when the story actually took place.

Hopefully, today's story achieved at least a fraction of that.

When I first started storytelling in public speaking, I instantly fell in love with it ... though I have a looongggg way to go.

That's a wrap!

Note: Access all previous newsletter issues by clicking here.

If you know someone who could benefit from this newsletter, I’d love to have them join our community of fearless public speakers. They can subscribe here.



  • Storytelling in public speaking is what separates engaging speakers from boring ones.
  • All stories worth telling or hearing have a 5-second moment in a person's life.
  • If your story doesn't have a 5-second moment, then it's not a story, it may just be an anecdote.

Feel free to reply to this email if you have questions or feedback on this newsletter.


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Waqas, Founder & Speaking Anxiety Coach

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