
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you always desire. (Loved by 1200+ readers every week)

Fixing this ONE thing made (Z) feel liberated for the FIRST time in life

62ND Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety So, your job or business requires you to speak frequently... Maybe monthly, weekly or sometimes even daily. But every time you are about to speak in front of others, you're burdened with the thought that: "I’m not good enough" and.. "I would never be good enough". This feeling pushes you to work harder to prepare the best—sometimes at the expense of your SANITY—for any public speaking or presentation. Not only that.. But you also...
a traffic light that has a red hand on it

Powerful public speaking trick NO ONE is talking about!

61ST Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Powerful public speaking trick NO ONE is talking about on the internet. (No, it’s not making eye-contact or the body language) Reader.. Ever panicked during a presentation when faced with that "awkward silence"? Does it feel like eternity whenever pausing just for 2 seconds? Well, you're not alone. BUT.. What if the key to confidence lies in embracing the silence? Here are 5 reasons why embracing pauses can be a game-changer for...

Gain speaking confidence & authority in ANY setting!

60TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety So, you’ve been promoted at your job.You know your work inside out. You think you’re all set.BUT...As you’re briefing your team and company executives, you can’t find your voice, confidence, and authority!You've practiced and rehearsed talking points 10's of times.But when it's time to speak... you're physically shaking with nervousness & anxiety you're sweating as if you're in sauna your voice is trembling and your heart is...

'J' felt an incredible sense of empowerment after working with me

59TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety "The overwhelming fear that I felt had loosened its grip, replaced by a newfound confidence in my ability to communicate effectively."...that's how (J) felt after working with me. (J) started working with me last month because... she felt overwhelmed by anxiety when speaking in publicI helped (J) to uncover and eliminate limiting beliefs behind her social and public speaking anxiety:Here's what (J) said in her testimonial:BEFORE...

Do you fear freezing up in front of an audience?

58TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Has your mind ever gone blank in front of an audience? How does it feel? Ugly and uncomfortable, right? I know, I've been there... To me, it used to feel as if the world around me was gonna explode any second. But when I found the underlying cause of this fear and learned how to react when it happens, the fear of going blank just vanished. Because know this: Let's dig deeper and find out the potential limiting beliefs...
graffiti on a wall that says hate it or love it

Do you fear being negatively judged by your audience?

57TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Think you must please everyone in the audience? Better yet.. Do you think you can please everyone in the audience, either online or on-stage? Before you answer... Let me introduce you to Tim Ferriss's 10% Hater Rule: 10% of people will find a way to take anything personally. Expect it and treat it as math. I hate to break it to you but there's no better way of saying this: Whatever you do, whatever you say, at least 10% of...
silver corded microphone in shallow focus photography

How over-practicing ruined my storytelling experience

56TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Friday evening, Jan 17th, 2025. There's a snowstorm and a weather advisory, but that can't stop my passion for telling personal stories on the big stage. I'm attending The Moth StorySLAM event in Denver, Colorado. The theme for tonight's stories is RESET. I'm one of the 10 storytellers for the evening, sharing personal real-life stories in front of an audience of 300+. This will be my third story at The Moth. Everything seems...
A hand holding a light bulb in the dark

Crush self-doubts: Overcoming the ugly side of speaking anxiety

55TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Your speaking anxiety comes in 2 forms or types: (FYI: There's a GIFT at the end. Limited Slots Open) First Type (The Good): The speaking nerves that give you energy to perform at your optimal best. It's a resource, not a threat... It's your body's natural response to high-stake situations and gives you energy, fuel, and more blood flow to help you rise to the challenge and kick butts... whether on stage or off stage. It's...
A traffic light with a man on it

Hidden dangers of common speaking tips: what you need to know

54TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Public speaking anxiety is NOT your enemy…How you view it makes all the difference. Have you ever thought about why body-shaming doesn't make people eat healthily and become fit? And why doesn't putting warning labels on cigarette packs make smokers quit and live healthily? You’ve seen those warning labels: "Cigarettes Cause Cancer".What if I told you this is doing... MORE HARM THAN GOOD? Researchers have found the results...

How ‘J’ got her newfound confidence—both on and off-stage.

53TH Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, This is how ‘J’ got her newfound confidence—both on and off-stage. (J) worked with me in early 2024. I will use direct quotes from her testimonial to highlight her journey to newfound speaking confidence. Before: "I started coaching [with Waqas] because I was anxious about public speaking... Despite my efforts to perfect my body language and speech, my mind would go blank during events, and I'd stumble over my words... I...

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking and gain the self-confidence you always desire. (Loved by 1200+ readers every week)