
Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking—It's time to free your voice from speaking anxiety and gain the self-confidence you always wanted. (Published Weekly)

Nervous for Being Seen as Nervous?

30th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Ever been nervous for being seen as nervous? I've been there ... and I know it's not fun. I used to feel anxiety that I would appear nervous, and I wouldn't be able to do anything to help it. People would see it as a sign of weakness and cowardice, and I would be rejected as a confident person and speaker ... they will think low of me. Let's dig into the root causes of this fear. These are the limiting beliefs behind this...

I Lied to Save Osama [Story Time]

29th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety This week's issue is slightly different than usual public speaking topics. It's all about storytelling. "All stories worth telling or hearing have a 5-second moment in a person's life"—Matthew Dicks, author of the book Storyworthy. A moment of important realization. A moment of life-changing truth. A moment of facing the harsh reality. A moment of vulnerability and weakness. You get the idea, right? Reader, Can you identify my...

Overcoming Speaking Anxiety: What Works Best ...

28th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety "Go practice ... it's the only way to overcome this fear". "Go to a mall and announce you're wearing red underwear today ... do this every week and you'll become confident". "Pretend you are confident ... and over time you'll gain speaking confidence". "Picture your audience in their underwear ... it'll make you become fearless". "Take the pill and then ... just chill". "Take a couple of shots ... and let the booze do the rest". ....

Science Behind Your Speaking Nerves ...

27th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Let's find out what happens inside your body when you stress about something ... whether it's your upcoming presentation, a meeting with an important client, or any other stressful situation. I'm no medical doctor, but let's try ;) Your adrenal glands release 2 kinds of hormones, known as stress hormones: Cortisol Dehydroepiandrosterone (Don't try to pronounce it, let's call it DHEA 😉) Adrenal glands sit right on top of...

A Glimpse of a Life Free of Speaking Anxiety

26th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety I flew to Chicago this past week and the first thing I noticed was how humid and hot it was compared to Denver. I said to myself: "God! I'm blessed to be living in Colorado, especially in the summer". The purpose of my trip was to attend a conference and deliver a 20-minute-long technical presentation to a room full of researchers and experts in the field of electric vehicles. I finalized the slides only 2 nights before the...

Mistakes I Made When Fighting My Speaking Anxiety ...

25th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety I spent $1600 on two day-long boot camps that focused on perfecting messaging and delivery. Meaning ... how to craft a well-organized message and then how to perfectly deliver it to your audience on stage. I believed if messaging and delivery of my speeches were perfect, I wouldn't feel speaking nerves or crippling anxiety. Guess what? It didn't work—duh! Not even a single bit. Reader, Don't get me wrong ... working on messaging...

How You Think About Your Speaking Nerves Matters ...

24th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader, Would you believe it if I told you: It's not the nervousness that's your problem but how you see it makes all the difference. Don't believe me yet? Okay, lemme explain. Have you ever thought about why body-shaming doesn't make people eat healthy and become fit? [Link: internet] And ... Why doesn't putting warning labels on cigarette packs make smokers quit and live healthily? You know ... those warning labels "Cigarettes...

Is This Causing Your Public Speaking Anxiety?

23th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Racing heart. Sweaty palms. Shaky knees. Reader, Have you ever felt this before speaking in front of more than 2 people? Well, you’re not alone. I've been there. Surveys reveal that public speaking is people's number ONE fear, leaving the fear of death way behind. [Source: Internet] Have you ever wondered what causes those speaking nerves in the first place? Let's find it out today! I lived 3 decades of my life fearing negative...

This Will Put Your Audience to Sleep—Guaranteed!

22th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Tired eyes. Heavy lids. Have you ever sat through a presentation that felt like a marathon? The kind where time sl-o-o-o-o-ws down, and your mind starts plotting escape routes—social media, weekend plans, anything to break free? But what if I told you, it’s not your fault? We’ve all been there, Reader. Today, let's dive deep into what puts the audience to sleep and how you can avoid it. Because ... life is too short for yawns, and...

This Won't Help You Gain Speaking Confidence—But They are Telling You to Do it.

21th Issue of Newsletter Free Your Voice from Speaking Anxiety Reader Have you ever been given any of the following tips to become a confident public speaker? Start your speech with a joke Picture the audience in underwear Don't use fillers when speaking Your delivery must be perfect Well, it's bad advice if you are still struggling with your speaking anxiety. Let's see why. 1 - Start Your Speech with a Joke Not a good idea! If you are a beginner public speaker, I would advise against it....

The only newsletter you'll ever need to overcome the crippling fear of public speaking—It's time to free your voice from speaking anxiety and gain the self-confidence you always wanted. (Published Weekly)